Sunday, August 17, 2008

Officially a member

I have now been 60 for four days. No government packages have arrived. My husband staged two parties for me (had I been more self-involved and quicker, I would have told him NO PARTY)and did a fine job of it, even though the confession I extracted from him about Party B gave me a perfect excuse to have an orgy of food and drink continuously from Party A to Party B. If it isn't one excuse, its another.
More another day, I am not feeling clever....

Sunday, June 29, 2008

Arrival of the fetus

Given that up until today (apparently) I have been annoyed by, pissed off by, afraid of, disgusted with, (I assume you get the gist) BLOGS in general AS WELL AS what I see as the overweening hubris of modern folk in thinking that all the world should get to see and be interested in the most minute and stupid details of their lives so therefore display all the dreck on the computer and on TV (no, you are not cute, pretty, or even a little smart, especially that Tweety Bird tattoo on your groin), now I have opened up a blog and am no better than the rest of......humanity. Which is about right, and it was folly on my part to think so, and no fun up there on the frosty peak either.
Polyestertime refers to the 5 years I see having between 60 and 65 wherein I wait for the government to issue me my pastel polyester pull-on pants and coordinating "bigshirt", not to mention the beige Velcro-tab Easy Spirits for my feet. I've made fun of that sort of thing for years but time and tides have taken a toll on the old body and I'm almost in a head where I'd chuck it all and wear the shit, if only for comfort and easy care.
It would be better of course, if I could light up a Marlboro , too, or two or three, and be loaded on Peach-Tinis at the same time. Well.
More bile to come!
Bon appetit!